
my mama's hat

isn't it a lovely hat??? too bad i forgot it in california... :-( all i have is a picture to give!!! (by the way- to those of you who do not know how to pronounce the above "mama" ... it's like "maw maw". a.k.a. my grandma. yeah, i've still got a bit of southern belle still left.)

spending time with my computer

ok, so i lied about posting pictures because obviously they aren't up yet. we shall have to wait until i bluetooth them to our work computer...and that won't be until we get back from the east coast. so sorry, lyz!!! i am bad about keeping a grandiose blog- particularly when i am spending so much time living life i am not at the computer. what's that you say? yes, i actually do get too busy to spend time with my computer. i am sure it feels very neglected right now. or jealous that i am spending all my time watching the office and scrubs :-) (to all who watch both, the office is much, much better).

have a merry Christmas!!!


imogen heap #2

the concert last night was amazing!!! my absolute favorites live were "closing in" and "let go". she did let go with just her and the grand piano and it sounded so beautiful!

we got home around 2:30 am...it was a long night. there will be pictures up in the next couple of days, all taken from my camera phone because there were no cameras aloud in the venue. (the pic above is from imogenheap.com, but this is exactly what the setup was...)

have a lovely day!



i am happy to announce that i am seeing the imogen tour tonight in san francisco. it should be a grand experience.


love of a jealous kind

i was driving home this morning thinking 'how can i possible lead worship tonight when i have failed so miserably lately to please God?' i turned on the ipod, clicked on playlist #1, and a jars of clay song caught my attention in a different way than before. it is a very lyrically heavy, yet redeeming song. i'll let it speak for itself.

i built another temple to a stranger
i gave away my heart to the rushing wind
i set my course to run right into danger
i sought the company of fools instead of friends
you know i've been unfaithful
with lovers in lines
while you're turning over tables
with the rage of a jealous kind
i chose the gallows to the aisle
thought that love would never find
hanging ropes will never keep you
and your love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
tryin' to jump away from rock that keeps on spreading
solace in the shift of the sinking sand
i'd rather feel the pain all too familiar
than be broken by a lover i don't understand
'cause i don't understand
love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
love of a jealous kind
one hundred other lovers, more, one hundred other altars
if i should slow my pace and finally subject me to grace
and love that shames the wise
betrays the hearts deceit and lies
and breaks the back of foolish pride
love of a jealous kind

how great and enormous is the love of God toward us.


getting forked

we arrived home tonight to a forked lawn...yep, little plastic forks sticking up everywhere and a huge message in sidewalk chalk on our driveway. who is the culprit??? more details will follow, as well as pictures! the investigation shall begin. if you are a part of this, beware.